There will be a special meeting of the governing body at 6:00 pm, Thursday, September 22, 2022 at City Hall to discuss potential development.
There will be a special meeting of the governing body at 6:00 pm, Thursday, September 22, 2022 at City Hall to discuss potential development.
City Hall will be closed Monday, September 5th for the Labor Day holiday.
City Hall will be closed the morning of Wednesday, August 31st for training. We are sorry for any inconvenience.
There will be a special meeting at 5:30 Thursday, 7/14/22 for the 2023 budget presentation.
There will be a special hearing at 7:00 pm, Thursday, June 9th for public comment on vacating portions of Sorg, Brown and Main Street easements.
“Town Hall” meetings in the locations and dates, as follows, has been scheduled to inform all citizens of the progress, facts and insight surrounding the jail project. This information is needed so that on August 2nd, citizens will be able to make informed decisions at the voting booth.
Discussion will focus on why a new jail is needed, cost of jail and courthouse remodel, financing of project, and design of project.
There are several dates and locations to choose from.
June 2nd @ Gridley library 6:30 pm to 9 pm
June 9th @ Leroy library 6:30 pm to 9 pm
June 16th @ Waverly library 6:30 pm to 9 pm
June 30th @ Lebo library 6:30 pm to 9 pm
July 7th @ Burlington library 6:30 pm to 9 pm
July 28th @ New Strawn Community Building 6:30 pm to 9 pm
Congrats to all of the 2022 graduates!
There will be a Zoning and Planning Board meeting at 6:00 p.m., Tuesday, May 17th at City Hall.
New Strawn City Wide Cleanup is April 11th through the 13th. Please have your items at the curb no later than the morning of the 13th. We will not pick up tires, bagged garbage, household hazardous waste-chemical & paints, asbestos or construction demo items. Use of the landfill is FREE April 11th – 16th.
NSCIO is getting ready for another wonderful Easter Egg Hunt!
The Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday, April 16th, 9 a.m. at Jones Park across from the New Strawn Community Center. This event is open to all children ages 12 and under. Age groups are 3 and under, 4 to 6, 7 to 9, and 10 to 12. Hope to see you there!
The City of New Strawn will be providing an opportunity for citizens to register their animals (dogs and cats)! We are offering extended hours for those that still haven’t had the opportunity to come into City Hall to register your animal(s) for 2022. The Code Enforcement Officer will be at City Hall on March 21st from 6pm to 8 pm. As well he will be doing registrations at the New Strawn Business Showcase on March, 31st, from 5pm to 7 pm at the New Strawn Community Building.
When registering your animal(s) you will need to bring proof of rabies vaccination from your veterinarian. We will want information such as breed of animal and description, address, contact information and if you would like to provide a picture of your animal we will maintain the picture, so if in the event your animal is lost, we can assist you with trying to find your animal. The picture we have can be used to assist us.
Animal registration cost are as follows:
Neutered and spayed dogs and cats’ registration fee is $ 8.00
Un – altered dogs and cats registration fee is $ 20.00
Dog and cat registrations are required within the City of New Strawn, in the event a person is found to have a dog or cat unregistered in the city they may be cited up to $500 and any cost incurred by the city related to enforcing this ordinance.
Animal registration is a way for the city to protect community and try to prevent any type of rabies incident. If you have any questions, you can contact city hall or myself (Randy Rogers) at [email protected]
Do you have a business in or want to check out the businesses in New Strawn? Join us at the New Strawn Community Building on March 31 After 5! Local businesses are invited to show their wares, provide brochures/flyers and share what your business has to offer. This is an excellent opportunity to share without having a “storefront”. Let us know if you would like to reserve a spot! Light refreshments will be provided. Hope to see you there! [email protected] or 620-364-8283
Due to the weather Republic Services will be picking up New Strawn trash on Saturday, 2/19.
Time is running out to register your pets at $2 for animals that are spayed or neutered or $5 for unaltered animals. The cost of the license will double each month after January. Please bring your current proof of rabies vaccination or have your vet fax it to 620-364-5110.
Due to exposure, we are taking proactive measures to protect the health of our citizens. City Hall will be closed to the public the week of January 3rd and will reopen on Monday, January 10th. Business can still be conducted via phone or email. Thank you for your patience.
We would like to thank everyone that decorated their yard this December, there are a lot of beautiful displays. This was a tough judge but here goes:
Over the top – most liked to blow a fuse – 1020 Arrowhead
Best animated character – 216 Cheyenne
Best children’s display – 1010 Arrowhead
Brightest wreath – notable yard art – 115 N 6th St
Honorable Mentions:
360 N 1st St
913 Arrowhead
920 Arrowhead
Thanks again to all who participated.
City Hall will be closed Friday, December 24th and 31st. Trash will be picked up as normal. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Please join us in welcoming Randy Rogers as the City of New Strawn’s Code Enforcement Officer! Welcome Randy!
Judging for December Yard of the month will start on the 17th so have all of your decorations ready! The Council will be awarding gift cards to the top 5 picks!
Trash in New Strawn will be picked up on Saturday, November 27th. Both Christmas and New Year’s Day fall on Saturday so there will be not be any disruption to the regular collection schedule.
City Hall will be closed on Thursday, November 11th in observance of Veterans Day.
Congratulations to our Fall and Halloween Yard of the Month winners! Fall 1st place is 315 W Cherokee St and 2nd place is 1101 N Arrowhead Dr. Halloween Yard of the Month Winner is 216 Cheyenne St and 2nd place is 115 N 6th St. Thanks to everyone for all of their hard work.
The winners of Best Fall Decoration and Best Halloween Decoration will each receive a $20 Casey’s gift card. Judging will be October 22 – 24. Let’s see what everyone has for Fall and Halloween decorations!
You are hereby notified that there will be a special meeting of the governing body at 6:30 pm on Thursday, September 22, 2021 at City Hall for the purpose of building ordinance review.
You are hereby notified that there will be a special meeting of the governing body at 6:00 pm on Thursday, August 5, 2021 at City Hall for the purpose of building ordinance review.
You are hereby notified that there will be a special meeting of the governing body at 5:30 pm on Thursday, June 24, 2021 at City Hall for the purpose of budget planning and building ordinances.
Join us Saturday, June 12th for a 2K/5K run/walk, youth fishing derby, bingo, antique tractor parade/viewing, car show, hot wheels racing, money hunt, police dog demonstration and live music. A full list of activities is listed on our Facebook page. At 4:30 there will be a dedication of our community building and park improvements followed up with free hot dogs and chip. Most activities will be at the community building and the city lake. Hope to see you there!
New Strawn City-Wide Cleanup will be held in conjunction with Coffey County’s designated cleanup week of April 12 – 17th. Residents are encouraged to place items curbside by Monday, April 12th. Items that will NOT be picked up include tires, batteries, electronics, paint, hazardous materials and any containers of liquid.
Thursday, April 1st, stop by the Community Building at 319 W Getz, New Strawn anytime between 4 and 6 pm. Learn about the Coffey County Capital Planning Process and provide input on what you would like to see in our community.
NSCIO is getting ready for another wonderful Easter Egg Hunt!
The Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday, April 3rd, 9 a.m. at Jones Park across from the New Strawn Community Center. This event is open to all children ages 12 and under. Age groups are 3 and under, 4 to 6, 7 to 9, and 10 to 12. Hope to see you there!
Rumor has it that the City of New Strawn has the best Christmas lights in Coffey County! 1st place Stuckey on Arrowhead Dr, 2nd place Fosters on 6th St, 3rd place Hauth on Chickasaw. A few honorable mentions are Largest Wreath – 4th St, Best Vintage looking pieces – Cherokee, Biggest Mickey Mouse – Arrowhead Dr, Biggest Snoopy – 5th St, Most Merry Dragon – Commanche St, Largest Santa – Choctaw, Best Music – Arrowhead Dr. We would like to thank everyone for their participation in lighting up our city.
A special meeting for the city council will be held Tuesday, November 24, 2020 at 6:00 pm. The purpose is to review sewer bids, CARES projects, Tel/XP- Incore, Kwikcom contracts and a fire-proof file.
A special meeting for the Zoning Board will be held at 6:00 pm, Tuesday, November 17, 2020 to elect a Secretary for the Zoning Board.
Congratulations to our Fall Yard of the Month winner! 1st place – Hernandez, 2nd place – Foster and 3rd place Ballangee. Thanks to everyone for all of their hard work.
Due to COVID-19 (the coronavirus) we are taking precautionary measures. City Hall is temporarily closed to the public. Please use the night drop or online bill pay. If you need other information, please call 620-364-8283. For a water emergency, please call 620-364-1480 or 620-490-1343. Our apologies for any inconvenience. Thank you for your cooperation!
For the protection of their employees, they will pick up “cart contents only” and it will be at the discretion of the driver regarding bags only at curbs; i.e. garbage needs to be inside a trash bag AND inside a trash container. If you have a container as well as any bags on the ground, the driver will not pick up the extra bags. Items can possibly poke through or animals may tear them open causing safety concerns for the driver. They have suspended picking up bulk items nationwide.
Trash services are provided through the City of New Strawn. Trash is picked up on Fridays in New Strawn unless an observed holiday, in which case, trash will be picked up on Saturday (SEE SCHEDULE BELOW). Please have your waste containers at the curb by 6:30 a.m.
2020 Holiday Schedule for Trash Pick-up
Saturday after New Year’s Day (Adjusted Pick-up)
Saturday after Memorial Day (Adjusted Pick-up)
Saturday after Independence Day (Adjusted Pick-up)
Saturday after Labor Day (Adjusted Pick-up)
Saturday after Thanksgiving (Adjusted Pick-up)
Saturday after Christmas (Adjusted Pick-up)
Trash service was unable to drive truck to certain areas Friday, January 17, in particular, Remer’s Point due to icy roads. They also have truck issues that will be resolved and trash will be picked up by Wednesday, January 22. The city clerk will be attempting to contact customers who are experiencing the inconvenience. Our sincerest apologies.
Cost of registering your pet is: $2 for animals that are spayed or neutered; $5 for unaltered animals. Licenses are valid for the 2020 calendar year. If you forget to do it in January, you can still get your pet registered in February or March, but the cost of the license doubles for each month you are late: $4 and $10 in February, $8 and $20 in March. REMINDER: Any owner or harborer of an animal that is found to be without a current license may be fined up to $500, plus any cost incurred by the city related to enforcing the animal code. Tagging your pet is really more for your ‘peace of mind’ than anything. Even dogs and cats that live almost entirely in the house occasionally ‘escape’ to the great outdoors and a tag makes it much easier to reunite an owner with an animal. More information regarding Animal Control and Regulation can be found under City Ordinances.
Purpose: I. Employee Evaluations II. Personnel
Congratulations to the following winners!
Levan Skillman $25
Cheryl Treptow $10
Brett Brinegar $10
Connie Clavin $10